May 30, 2006 00:47
yes so tonight was very interesting. so some kid hit in two different occastions at the show tonight and he had been talking shit to joey lee. so the second time he hit me i just snaped and thromped his face a few times. got ripped out the door, and then got into an arguement with the kid out side. we shook hands and all of that good shit and i really felt like an asshole about it afterwards so i had to go and apologize to him. what i told him was that i totally had just contributed to shit that i dont really want at our shows, these stupids ass fights and i really feel like a shithead for it. But besides that i am extremely sick and tired of getting into aruguments with retarted ass girls, and really sick of my friends hanging around these girls that i dont want to be around even though they know that i dont want to be around them. cuz you know what these girls come and go they wont be there in 6 months to a year, but your friends they are the ones who are going to be there for you when all of this shit is done a over with. a girl has know idea what you are feeling (you being a male), they cant back you up in a fight. your fucking friends are the ones who are going to do this shit for you.