Jul 23, 2006 01:29
Okay so I don't write in here often but this is CRAZY. So, if you don't know this already, I work at Super Target in Apex. I've had some rotton/stuck up customers before but NONE like the one I had today. I was on the express lane on the grocery side and a man and his wife come up to my lane. They both looked like they were in their mid 40's or so. I of course smile and ask how they were doing. They smile politely and then the man asks me if I can exchange a hair dye they already bought for a different color. I said that was no problem, but I couldn't do exchanges, he would have to go to Guest Services. I let him know that he could purchase the other items he had in his cart at Guest Services as well unless he wanted to do it in the Express Lane. He said he wanted me to call Guest Services and ask them if he could not wait in the line over there since he had already waited in that line earlier today. Thinking that was a little unfair, I decided to call anyways to see if there was anything they could do. They said there was no line over at Guest Services so he could go over there and take care of it no problem. I let him know that and as soon as I let him know, his wife takes the hair dye and heads towards Guest Services (I couldn't tell if she was pissy about it or if she just went because she wanted to get there in a hurry before there was a line). The man stays there and I start ringing up the other things in his cart. He then asks me "WHY didn't you call your manager over here?" I was like... "excuse me sir? you asked me to call Guest Services. I did, and apparantly there is no line. Your wife is taking care of it now. There shouldn't be a problem." He didn't say anything. After I was done ringing up his stuff he said "Thank you Ashley" and I said "Your Welcome" thinking he was being nice. He said "yah, Thanks a lot. You didn't help me at all." At that point I just said, "sir I don't konw what to tell you. I did excatly what you asked." And he said whatever and left. I find out later that he went to Guest Services to complain. WHAT THE HECK? WHAT WAS HE MAD ABOUT?????????? I don't understand. Luckily all the customers after him were very sympathetic and very sweet to me. I started getting teary eyed when he left and then I actually started crying. Someone took over my register and the customers came up to me and said they wanted to tell that guy off but he left too soon. Erika (my boss) pulled me into her office. I was so upset, and I thought I was in trouble since the mean customer had my name... he could have complained about me to someone. She told me that I was not in trouble at all and that he was an asshole. She wanted to tell that guy never to come back into Target again. She told me that it was harassment and that next time it happens... I need to turn my light off... tell the customers behind him that I'm going to get my manager... and leave. And tell the guy that I'm done with him. I was like sweet! I can do that? haha! So yah, very sucky night at work but I got better. And it is so ironic that just yesterday someone came up to Erika (my boss) and told her that I was the best cashier they have ever had at Target. I even got a "great team" from Cindy (my other boss) complimenting my hard work and great guest service. It just boggles my mind how mean people are. It's so hard to work in retail. One minute you have the sweetest customoer in the world, next you have the worst customer in the world. I hate that. Some people need to learn how to act. That guy just really embarassed himself today... considering everyone watched it back on camera and they were all making fun of him and how retarded he acted. UGH!