Home alone :(

Aug 12, 2008 21:06

- Mom and dad gone for an overnight trip to KL. Daddy is having his routine check-up at IJN (National Heart Institute) tomorrow. So, I'm left alone at home :-//// 
- Hopes daddy test result all will be okay. He was quite stressed out recently (due to this coming intra-party election, he was perpetually talking on his cell all day -____-) And he always skipping his medications.

- I just remember that I have appointment with my dentist tomorrow. I guess I have to postpone it to Friday. Dad's not here to drive me and it would be so much hassle to take bus (I'm just damn lazy :P) And on I got my repeat driving test on Thursday. Heeeee...
- So nervous about the test. Dad told me to practice all day tomorrow. I suck so much at doing the U-turn -____-;;

newshfanalready started subbing the NEWS Tokyo Dome DVD *gleeful*
- I already have my favouritest moment ever of the DVD...okay...I might have two favouritest moment ever...care to guess which one? Hehe!! (Hint: something to do with fuzzy ball on someones head XDD and kuchibiru wo ~)

- Anyone up for Tokyo Dome spazz session over at IM? Let set a date...we'll watch the show together and spazz over the IM. I'm using Yahoo! Messenger, username : xarwenz

summer spam, news is awesomest

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