My sweet emotion...lalala!

May 30, 2008 00:05

This is the summer time XDD!

I'm flying home today! Yay! Flight from Dublin is at 7.30 am and connecting flight from Heathrow is at 12.00 pm. Will be arriving at KLIA around 7.30 a.m on the 31st May. Hopefully my dad will be free to pick me-up. If not, have to rely on my cousin >_<

On Sunday, there will be my cousin; Edil's wedding reception. Am so excited!! All (okay, almost all maybe) of my extended family will gathered. I haven't met them for the longest time. Some, I might even last seen like 4 years ago! I'm pretty close with my cousins when we were young'uns. *laughs*

I might have to take break form Lj (and internet) for a while. I'm leaving my Mac (as part of my plan to persuade my dad to buy me a new shiny laptop..teehee) And people (family) will be swarming our place because of the wedding reception. That's the downside of having such a big family. So it might be awhile before I can come to Lj. I'll gave myself a week before I explode from internet deprivation...haha! So pls link me any interesting tidbits from fandom here alright? Yoroshiku onegaishimas!

Hope this summer will be a blast. My last one before having to do compulsory elective (haha...oxymoron XDD) See you guys again...bye-bye!

summer spam

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