1. My uncle once: told me a story about why you shouldn't bite your fingernails 2. Never in my life: have I had surgery 3. When I was five: I went to school for the first time 4. High school was: full of dumb people 5. Fire is: really hot 6. I once saw: a dead body 7. There’s this woman I know who: said that I had beautiful hair 8. Once, at a bar: I was at a bar? 9. By noon I’m usually: asleep 10. Last night: I showered 11. If I only had: something to say to this 12. Next time I go to church: might be never 13. The best thing about my last relationship was: happiness 14. What worries me most: my grades and rejection 15. When I turn my head left: I see my monitor 16. When I turn my head right: I see my bed 17. You know I'm lying when: you think I'm telling the truth 18. What I miss most about the eighties: being an innocent kid 19. If I were a character written by Shakespeare, I’d be: crazy 20. By this time next year: I'll learn more ways to be stupid 21. I have a hard time understanding: foreign people 22. You know I like you if: I call you 23. If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: I'm not gonna win an award 24. I'm reading: I'm reading??? 25. Take my advice, never: start smoking 26. My ideal breakfast is: cereal 27. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you go to: another town, it sucks here 28. Why doesn't everyone: just get along 29. If you spend the night at my house: you better not smell 30. I’d stop my wedding: for nothing 31. The world could do without: pop-ups 32. My favorite blonde is: natural 33. If I do anything well, it’s: doing absolutely nothing 34. And by the way: don't take life so seriously, you only get one so have fun with it. 35. The last time I was drunk, I: got really loud and obnoxious
2. Never in my life: have I had surgery
3. When I was five: I went to school for the first time
4. High school was: full of dumb people
5. Fire is: really hot
6. I once saw: a dead body
7. There’s this woman I know who: said that I had beautiful hair
8. Once, at a bar: I was at a bar?
9. By noon I’m usually: asleep
10. Last night: I showered
11. If I only had: something to say to this
12. Next time I go to church: might be never
13. The best thing about my last relationship was: happiness
14. What worries me most: my grades and rejection
15. When I turn my head left: I see my monitor
16. When I turn my head right: I see my bed
17. You know I'm lying when: you think I'm telling the truth
18. What I miss most about the eighties: being an innocent kid
19. If I were a character written by Shakespeare, I’d be: crazy
20. By this time next year: I'll learn more ways to be stupid
21. I have a hard time understanding: foreign people
22. You know I like you if: I call you
23. If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: I'm not gonna win an award
24. I'm reading: I'm reading???
25. Take my advice, never: start smoking
26. My ideal breakfast is: cereal
27. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you go to: another town, it sucks here
28. Why doesn't everyone: just get along
29. If you spend the night at my house: you better not smell
30. I’d stop my wedding: for nothing
31. The world could do without: pop-ups
32. My favorite blonde is: natural
33. If I do anything well, it’s: doing absolutely nothing
34. And by the way: don't take life so seriously, you only get one so have fun with it.
35. The last time I was drunk, I: got really loud and obnoxious
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