Dec 22, 2006 17:10
I think I have reached my holiday shopping limit! I went out today and regretted it from the start. After all, I should know better. Anyway, I was unsuccessful shopping-wise so I think we'll just have to make do.
Life's been interesting these past few days, to say the least. For those people interested, Melissa and I have been talking. I'm not 100% sure where it will lead (nor do I think she knows either) but it's a start. She's still scared, confused and unsure and I don't blame her at all. After what we've been through, I can understand. I only know that I love her with every part of me and I can't give up on us. No matter what.
She's not yet ready to see me yet and I don't want to push her. I spent way too much time pushing her in the past and I DON'T want to make that mistake again. I do want to see her at least a couple of times before she returns for her last semester; hopefully she will let me see her for New Year's Eve which is something I very much want. I've never been able to spend that particular night with her and I don't want to miss this opportunity. We'll see...
It's so hard to believe how fast these last months have flown by. Bizarre to say the least. I've been looking into tattoo parlors but nothing going on there yet. I'm also considering a dog. I know I'll almost never sell that to my family, but I may not be here all that much longer (many, many different scenarios are possible for the future) so that may not be a problem. I have my list of preferred breeds, some of which may not work out. The list is as follows (no particular order): Pharaoh hound, Irish Setter (why not?), Black Lab, Huskie (my favorite but not real practical), Greyhound and Golden Retriever. Again, we'll see what happens. One thing at a time I suppose..
More later.