Fic: schmoop_bingo Amnesty: Alex Rider and bandom

Mar 10, 2011 12:06

So, I am so incredibly late with this. I managed exactly no bingos that I signed up for, but I have fic written for all of them, because I am apparently fail incarnate. Sadly, y'all can look forward to whatever hc_bingo and kink_bingo fics I manage to get out. *sigh*, self. *SIGH*.

But here, with no further ado: schmoop_bingo fics! It remains to be seen whether the lovely mods over at the main comm will allow my entry through, but the fics are up at xari_xryso_fic, so I'm cross-posting them here (there, and everywhere; apologies for those of you who got horribly spammed!).

But I will do it under a cut, since there are five of the little buggers, and I don't want to eat anyone's flist more than I already have/will.

Bare bones:

Fandoms: bandom (Skippyfic (Kevin Jonas/Mike Carden), My Chemical Romance, The All-American Rejects) and Alex Rider
Prompts: Spooning, Sunburn, Serenade, sick in bed and wooing/courtship, respectively.

Bandom Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the people written about here, and none of this is true. And if you are one of the people written about here, for your own sanity, leave now.

Title: Reverie
Prompt: Spooning
Fandom: Skippy (Mike Carden/Kevin Jonas, TAI.../JoBros)
Rating: G
Warnings: None, except brief mentions of sex
Word Count: 1079
Summary: Mike’s arm is wrapped around his waist, his face buried in the crook of Kevin’s shoulder, and Kevin feels an uncontrollable wave of fondness for him, tenderness, almost, if Mike was the kind of guy who inspired tenderness. He isn’t, but Kevin is definitely the sort of guy who feels it, so Mike will just have to deal with it.


Title: Rough Edges
Prompt: Sunburn
Fandom: My Chemical Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1103
Summary: Party Poison gets sunburn and Frank volunteers to deal with the after-effects.


Title: Serenade
Prompt: Serenade
Fandom: The All-American Rejects
Rating: G
Warnings: None, though brief mentions of sex
Word Count: 957
Summary: Tyson has a cunning plan to win Nick over, though unfortunately, it looks quite a lot like their normal interactions, and Nick is not racing to get with the program.

All of these were beta'd by the fragrant and lovely xrysomou and cheerled by the delicious lullula.


Alex Rider Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider; this is a work of fanfiction and no copyright infringement is intended. Please don't sue me!

Title: TLC (The "Tough Love" Cure)
Prompt: Sick in Bed
Pairing: Alex/Wolf
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 839
Summary: Alex is a terrible patient, and Wolf is a worse nurse, but somehow, they get through it. Just like always.


Title: Crazy Love
Prompt: Wooing/courtship
Pairing: Alex/Wolf
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1207
Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider; this is a work of fanfiction and no copyright infringement is intended. Please don't sue me!
Summary: Wolf intended his courtship to be sweet and traditional. Unfortunately, he's never really been good at either.

Both of these were very kindly read over by lullula.

madness, fic: oneshot, pairing: frank/gerard, comm: xari_xryso_fic, fandom: alex rider, genre: fluff, fandom: my chemical romance, bingo cards: schmoop_bingo, fandom: bandom, fandom: the academy is..., pseudonym: amitai, fanfiction, fandom, pairing: nick/tyson, fandom: all-american rejects, genre: romance, fanfic: rps, genre: humour, comm: aar_capslock, warning: slash

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