xrysomou and I DONE WROTED FIC.
Arguments in the Key of ReasonAuthors:
xaritomene and
xrysomouRating: NC-17
Warnings: Here be smut. Consider yourselves warned for Gabe.
Pairing: Nick/Tyson (minor Gabe/Tyson, mentions of Gabe/Bill)
Summary: Nick and Ty are in love and have been forever - they just need a helping hand in the right direction. And Gabe... well, Gabe's always been handsy handy.
A/N: This fic is a mix of utter crack and a sliver of canon; Gabe once got thoroughly over-excited about meeting Tyson and posted about it on his Twitter. The word 'swoon' was mentioned. Sadly, they never did meet, and the tweet itself is lost in the mists of Gabe's Twitter. But here's what our demented, tin-hatting little souls like to think happened next.
This is crossposted all over the damn shop -
aar_capslock, our private journals and
xari_xryso_fic. Sorry for any spam!