Title: Come Gladly Away 3/?
Rating: PG-13 for the moment
Warnings: None, but some mentioned discrimination against the mentally disabled. Also, references to attempted non-con.
Summary: Merlin was banished from Camelot five years ago, after an incident revealed his magic - and no one has heard of him since. Arthur is now King, and he wants him back
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Another brilliant installment! Protective!Arthur - why do I love you so? This continues to be one of my favourite wips because their relationship and the set up is just SO perfect :) I love the slight uncertainty, the way Arthur is constantly wanting to show more of how he feels to Merlin and his protectiveness of course (really, the whole searching for Merlin in exile and bringing him back to Camelot just pushes ALL my buttons), and Merlin admitting how he missed him. And then behind all that you have the very realistic situation they're in, with Merlin unsure of how to act at the Inn and the mentions of his time away from Camelot (I like that Arthur intends to change things too, when he's King).
Favourite bit in this part... probably
“Am I your servant, a peasant you were helping…?”
“You’re my friend,” Arthur stressed, annoyance layered thick in his voice. “Like I’ve been saying, Merlin.”
...I love how determined Arthur is that Merlin should be recognised as his friend and equal! And I cheered when he put the innkeeper in his place.
In conclusion: Loved it, and can't wait for more! Or more of The Boyfriend of course, or whatever you have time for next :) It's all welcome!
They do have an awfully long way to go before things will be - certain again. They've both been hurt by the last few years (Merlin more obviously, of course ^_^) and it's going to take a long while, I think, for them both to be comfortable around each other again. Neither of them have the easy assumption that tthings will be alright that they had when they were younger; they're older, wiser, and have had too many things pulled out from under them to take things for granted again. (But, they also have a very long journey back to Camelot in which to sort things out. *grin*)
The Boyfriend has definite priority, if that helps, at all! ^_^ And thanks, as always, for your lovely comment.
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