The Same Page, Bradley/Colin

Apr 12, 2009 23:50

Written for kinkme_merlin , but it grew to 3000+ words, and I thought, hmm, maybe a bit long for comment fic. ^_^

Title: The Same Page

Rating: R

Warnings: Well, RPS. ^_^ Also, possible dub-con, depending on how sensitive you are to such things. The elements are certainly there. Also, possible/likely OOC-ness.

Summary: Written for this prompt at kinkme_merlin : Contrary to ( Read more... )

pairing: colin/bradley, actor: colin morgan, fandom: merlin, fanfiction, fic: oneshot, genre: romance, fanfic: rps, genre: hurt/comfort, comm: kinkme_merlin, actor: bradley james, warning: slash, rating: nc-17

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xrysomou April 13 2009, 11:28:13 UTC
COLIN!!!!!!!! *smishes* And BlindandslightlyDense!Bradley.

I love it. Write more. That was not a request. You are far more interesting than my fascist essay.


xaritomene April 13 2009, 19:33:41 UTC
*laughs* I'm really not sure that that's much of a compliment, dude! I don't think it takes much to be more interesting than a fascism essay, ne?

Unless it is in truth a fascist essay, in which case, sounds interesting! In what way, pray, is your essay fascist? *grins, insouciantly*



xrysomou April 13 2009, 19:52:23 UTC
Damn right my essay is fascist! It's controling my literature, where and when I work and has taken over every single nuance of my regime.

Though, I must admit, it's not paying me to stay at home and have babies. And put up pictures of Hitler and Petain on my walls. O_O

Shut up, brain.

Your smishable!Colin is Made Of Win.


xaritomene April 13 2009, 21:08:21 UTC
....paying me to stay at home and have babies? OH, HAI, GOOD HUSBAND MATERIAL FIC. *grins like mad*


xrysomou April 14 2009, 10:30:34 UTC
'Arthur was sitting on the doorstep, legs sprawled out in front of him, looking like an expensive advert for something. Sex, probably.

He was also holding a box. At the sound of Merlin's shopping bags thudding to the ground, he looked up and grinned.

"Someone's left you a present," Arthur said, handing over the box. Merlin eyed him, suspiciously.


"This came with it." Arthur passed him a grubby scrap of paper, surreptitiously picking up the shopping bags with the other hand.

"'One of Tibby's kittens, as promised..." read Merlin, with mounting horror. "Oh God! I can't! Not if it's got millions of toes..."



xaritomene April 15 2009, 08:15:37 UTC
*giggles a la three year old* AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN!!!

Ah, pregnant, cat-phobic Merlin. How I heart you. :D


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