Schedule for Fall 07

Apr 26, 2007 17:12

I switched to an IT diploma on tuesday, so I could pursue creating web sites. Then yesterday I realized I really like photography, so I switched back to my former major today, and enrolled in my classes for the upcoming fall semester. Hell, I even completed the FAFSA too.


Art 102 (History & Appreciation of Art II)- 4:00-6:50

Eng 112 (English 112, dur)- 12:30-1:45PM
Free time!- 1:45-2:00PM
Art 131 (Fundamentals of Design)- 2:00-5:50PM
Free time!- 5:50-6:30PM
PHT 270 (Digital Imaging)- 6:30-9:20PM

Eng 112 (English 112, dur)- 12:30-1:45

Whichs means mondays and thursdays are my crap all days, which means I will have loads of free time on my off days =)

And homework time XD

My mom says tuesday will be too much on me, but I'm sure if everyone I've met downstairs thus far this year are down there, I'll be fine ^^

schedule fall 07, life

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