Just a 'lil bit about me

Feb 14, 2010 04:07

A little meme I copped off Raven.

Name:Jennifer Diane Winters
Birthday: March 22, 1978
Birthplace: Elizabethton, Tennessee
Current Location: Spring City, Tennessee
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light/Dark Brown
Height: 5'11
Right or Left Handed: Right
Heritage: Cherokee, Irish, Scottish, English, French, German
Shoes I wore today: Sneakers
My Weakness: Men(of course)
My perfect pizza: Pepperoni
Goals I Would Like to Achieve This Year:
1)For my mom to beat cancer again and live a long happy and healthy life.
2)To transcribe MJF's next awesome book.
3)To be Keanu Reeves's or Christian Bale's love slave.
Most Overused Phrase on Messenger: I've not been on in a while, but I used to use lol a lot.
Thoughts first waking up: Do I have to?
Best physical feature: My eyes and my freckles.
Your bedtime: Between 2:30 and 4 in the morning. I'm a night owl, ya see.
Most missed memory: ??
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Pepsi..the stuff's practically my blood.
McDonalds or Burger King: Both :)
Single or Group Dates: Single's nicer.
Lipton or Nestea Ice Tea: Lipton, the diet lemon kind.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappucino or Coffee: Coffee.
Do you smoke: NO!
Do you swear: Unfortunately yes.
Do you shower daily: Yes.
Have you been in love?: Yes. Once. He broke my heart. But I still believe in it.
Do you want to go to college?: Already been.
Do you want to get married?: Maybe someday. But it's okay if I never do.
Do you believe in yourself?: Yes.
Do you get motion sickness?: Don't think so.
Do you think you are attractive?: I'm cute I guess.
Are you a health freak?: Nah.
Do you get along with your parents?: Mom, yes, Dad NO.
Do you like thunderstorms?: Yes.
Do you play an instrument?: The flute.
In the past month have you drunk alcohol?: No.
Have you smoked?: No.
In the past month have you been on drugs?: Only cold pills and vitamins.
In the past month have you been on a date?: No.
In the past month have you been to the mall?: Nope. I go to Walmart, yo.
In the past month have you eaten a whole box of Oreos?: No. The inclination was there, but no.
In the past month have you eaten sushi?: Nope.
In the past month have you been on stage?: Nope.
In the past month have you been dumped?: Haha, no.
In the past month have you gone skinny dipping?: File that under never gonna happen.
In the past month have you stolen anything?: Nope.
Ever been drunk?: No.
Ever been called a tease?: No. Goof maybe.
Ever been beaten up?: No.
Ever shoplifted?: No.
How do you want to die?: In my sleep.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Happy.
What country would you most like to visit?: England, Ireland, and India.

In a Boy:
Favorite Eye Color: Blue or Brown.
Favorite Hair Color: Brown or Black.
Short or long hair: Short.
Height: Taller, but I don't mind a little shorter.
Weight: Not too skinny, not too big, just somewhere in between. I don't want them to break when I hug them.

Best clothing style: Comfortable and clean.
Number of drugs have I taken: Countless cold pills because I sneeze.

Number of CDs I own: About a million.

Number of piercings: two in each ear.
Number of tattoos: Three little ones on the back of my neck.

Things in my past I regret: When I was a brat as a kid.

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