First Post of 2010

Jan 07, 2010 08:08

Christmas was really great this year, really kinda mellow, just Mom, my brother and me. She got one of the Wii video game players for all of us, and it's neat. They seemed to like what I got them for Christmas and I loved my stuff. :)

It's amazing it's a brand new year, and a brand new decade at that.

Things are changing again on the Mom front, the chemo she was taking isn't working now. She's now gotta go to Vanderbilt Hospital all the way in Nashville, to start treatment of this other new stuff, clinical trials they call it. The tumor markers shot way high up, which is not good, but her platelet counts which had been REALLY low are coming up too. Lots of platelets and white cells are good, right?

I'm scared and she's definitely scared, but I'm still hoping, you know? Maybe this stuff'll be it, maybe this will be the one that does the trick, you know? (sniffs) She's been through SO much already. There's no reason to stop now, there's no reason to give up now. I'm not giving up on her.

Not by a long shot.

That's the main stuff that's been going on, is family stuff.

I've had a bunch of guys write me on Myspace, including one that REALLY frightened me. I thought having a public account would be a good thing, 'cause I've got nothing to hide, you know? But now, I'm starting to worry. One guy even wrote and asked me what my intentions were.

Intentions? For my mom to live a long life and everyone I love to be happy. That's my intentions. For me to be happy, I want others to be happy too. I am optimistic, I am hopeful. It would be nice to get married but the world won't end if I don't. My life's still got some value, I'd think.

I hope y'all's holidays were great, Jessie, I hope you liked your card, Raven, thanks again for the banner.

*hugs to ALL of Livejournal*
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