Jul 23, 2008 11:31
I ran 6.5km last night in 44:43 minutes. I've never run so far in my life. No stopping. I just got to about 15 minutes in and all of a sudden I was feeling fine. 15 mins in is usually just under 1 km before I finish my run, and I've been noticing lately that at around this point, everything gets easier all of a sudden and i feel like I could run forever.
So I talked myself into going round the "bigger half" (2k maybe? 2.5Km?) of the park again. I told myself that if i got tired i could just walk back to the car, which would provide me with a good cool down, which is something I don't really spend enough time doing. Anyhow, I got towards the end of that, back to the spot i was when i had decided to turn left instead of right, and just kept going again. This time i told myself "it's only another km. maybe 1 and a half, you can do it". So i did. I made sure my nike+ was telling me 6.5km before i stopped which is the distance of the park i run if you run it twice. because of my bizarre figure eights i like to do i had to measure it with my nike+. fingers crossed it wasn't too off with its distance, but i think for once it might have been more spot on than usual. give or take 100 meters or so.
Anyhow, today i am exhausted. like really really tired. I went to bed early i got a good 8 hours i'd say. I jumped out of bed and rode to work (on my new bike!!) but once i got here, exhaustion set in. my eyes keep closing of their own accord. how will i make it through the rest of the day? i have no idea. god i wish is was in bed. asleep. or having sexy fun times with brett. either / or.