Fic: Love and Other Cliches: bandombigbang, Frank/Gerard, PG-13, Masterpost

Jun 19, 2011 01:30

Title:: Love and Other Cliches
Authors: xrysomou and xaritomene
Band(s): My Chemical Romance, characters from Panic! at the Disco and Cobra Starship
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Word Count: 28 694
Rating/Warnings: None serious - bad language and some violence. Also some mild sexual scenes.
DISCLAIMER: We are in no way affiliated with any of the people mentioned in this fic; they all belong to themselves, as do their various oeuvres. To make things clear: We own nothing and this is all horrible lies.

Furthermore, we're very, very aware that none of the countries or cultures mentioned herein bear any resemblance whatsoever to their actual counterparts. (Except for the weather in Scotland. That's pretty much spot-on.)

AN: We owe thanks to so many people for this - most of our f-lists, in fact, since we whined about it at them for so long! - but particular thanks go out to phantomjam, who has promised to look over it for us when she has a moment to breathe (thank you, darling, you're a lifesaver!), ashling_lily, who cheerled and read it through and encouraged us, lullula and neon_footprint, who both did the same, and my mum, who let me leave the washing up till the morning on the night before the final draft was due. Thanks, mum. :D

Summary: Bob Bryar is the best witch in the whole damn scene, even if he does say so himself. Which is just as well, because he's got responsibilities, most of which involve his charge, Gerard. Mainly, Bob's supposed to keep Gerard from falling down a well, or losing his sketchpad - little things, but Bob is a conscientious guardian. But when it becomes obvious that Gerard and Frank are hopelessly, silently in love with each other, Bob suddenly has bigger things to worry about. Nothing he's tried has ended in the declarations of love he'd been aiming for (not the fireworks, not the sunsets, not even the four hours they'd spent in locked in a closet). In a last, ditch attempt, he resorts to real spellwork, the epic, Cinderella kind, and now Frank and Gerard are stuck in a romance novel... with only one way out.

Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four


Artwork: Here, by soundslikej

Mix: Here, by crowgirl13


fandom: band: cobra starship, genre: drama, fandom: band: p!atd, warning: triggering content, fandom: band: mcr, !authors: collaboration, fanfiction, warning: violence, rating: pg-13, genre: humour, fic length: multi-chapter, genre: romance, community: bandombigbang

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