Fic: Love and Other Cliches Mix by crowgirl13

Jun 19, 2011 00:44

Title:: Love and Other Cliches
Authors: xrysomou and xaritomene
Band(s): My Chemical Romance, characters from Panic! at the Disco and Cobra Starship
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Word Count: 28 694
Rating/Warnings: None serious - bad language and some violence. Also some mild sexual scenes.
Summary: Bob Bryar is the best witch in the whole damn scene, even if he does say so himself. Which is just as well, because he's got responsibilities, most of which involve his charge, Gerard. Mainly, Bob's supposed to keep Gerard from falling down a well, or losing his sketchpad - little things, but Bob is a conscientious guardian. But when it becomes obvious that Gerard and Frank are hopelessly, silently in love with each other, Bob suddenly has bigger things to worry about. Nothing he's tried has ended in the declarations of love he'd been aiming for (not the fireworks, not the sunsets, not even the four hours they'd spent in locked in a closet). In a last, ditch attempt, he resorts to real spellwork, the epic, Cinderella kind, and now Frank and Gerard are stuck in a romance novel... with only one way out.

Masterpost - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four

Love and Other Cliches: A Mix

Love and Other Clichés

Artistiya - Regina Carter
Impossible - Fairy Godmother and Cinderella; from Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella
Caravan - Duke Ellington & His Orchestra
Living the Dream - Snailhouse
Bodhran - Young Dubliners
Again & Again - The Bird and The Bee
Save Me - Aretha Franklin
Can't Get You Out Of My Mind - Aqualung
Your Song (Instrumental) - Craig Armstrong; from Moulin Rouge
We're All In the Dance - Feist
Sewn - The Feeling
Cadillac - Combustible Edison
Fairytale - Sara Bareilles
When It Falls Apart - Matthew Perryman Jones
Your Love - Midtown
Curtains - Josh Ritter
Do You Still Love Me? - Nicholas Kirk; from Heartless: The Story Of The Tinman
All My Stars Aligned - St. Vincent
Do You Love Me? - Guster
A Kiss To Build a Dream On - Louie Armstrong

Notes and elaboration on the play list. Spoilers ahoy!


This mix is meant to do a several things. The overarching framework is that of a movie soundtrack for a romantic comedy. So there's a scattering of instrumental tracks, both mirroring movie scores and setting the scene for specific plot lines. Since this story takes on the tropes of the romance novel genre, the music is also geared towards creating a tongue in cheek, slightly overwrought mood. There ended up being quite a bit more cascading piano to this than I initially planned. Also, to parallel Frank and Gerard's commentary on the romance genre's clichés, there are songs with female vocalists commenting directly on the action. Despite the humor, there's some bittersweetness woven into the mix as well - though the spell's created an over-the-top scenario, there's an actual relationship on the line here, one that's plagued by lack of communication and misunderstanding.

Without further ado - the Playlist.


Artistiya - Regina Carter
The conversation between drums and violin in this track is meant to capture the interaction between Bob and the spell, and show how the spell starts to get a mind of its own. This is also a musical introduction to the story overall.

Impossible - Fairy Godmother and Cinderella
What's better than a musical for giving exposition with overblown diva optimism on magical processes? A musical based on a fairy tale, course. The 'these daft and dew-eyed dopes' line seems pretty appropriate as well.

But the world is full of zanies and fools, // who don't believe in sensible rules, // and won't believe what sensible people say, // and because these daft and dewy-eyed dopes // keep building up impossible hopes, // impossible things are happening everyday.

Caravan - Duke Ellington & His Orchestra
Some mood music to set the scene for Romancing the Desert. This version of Caravan has always struck me as fitting for an animated score. Probably because of the trumpets.

Living the Dream - Snailhouse
This outlines the actual nature of the spell world and how that affects Frank and Gerard. Also addresses the bleed-over between Spell and the real world. There's a 50s slow dance flavor to the song that's fitting too.

Living the dream // He's tossing and turning in his t-shirt and jeans // Now everywhere he goes // He talks in his sleep // Walks in his sleep

Some say it's a nightmare // It's a walk in the park // Some say it's a breeze // It's a stab in the dark

Bodhran - Young Dubliners
Bob and the Spell try again. Setting the scene for To Tame the Wild Laird with a blend of traditional Celtic music and rock.

Again & Again - The Bird and the Bee
Oh no! Not another romance novel! This addresses the love/hate relationship built into this novel's plot as well, and how well, creepy it is.

It's a shame, it's a shame, it's a perfect shame. // Creep under my door, and we do it again, oh.

It's easy and easy and easy and easy // And creepy and creepy and creepy, oh // Again, again, again, again.

Save Me - Aretha Franklin
Gerard's frustration, partnering with the imposed plot. The Batman reference just sweetens the deal.

Promised myself after the first romance // I wouldn't give you a second chance // Said you seek, you're sure to find // Ah, but the closer I get to you, baby // You drive me stone out-of-my-mind

Can't Get You Out Of My Mind - Aqualung
This underlines that, despite the utter ridiculousness of the situation Frank and Gerard find themselves in, there's good reason for it all.

A kiss is not just a kiss // A smile is more than a smile // Maybe we get together // Maybe forever // Maybe just for a while

I've seen the look in your eye // I've seen you wondering why // There's a center of gravity // Brings you near to me // Nearer all the time

Your Song (Instrumental) - Craig Armstrong
Setting the scene for Bought for a Bride. Using a track from Moulin Rogue also adds emphasize to the 'buying love' theme.

We're All In the Dance - Feist
The ball - a classic romantic comedy moment.

Night and Day, the music plays on // We are all part of the show // While we can hold on to someone // Even though life won't let us go

Feel the beat; music and rhyme // While there is time.

Sewn - The Feeling
Gerard to Frank. Heart in a headlock mirrors the climatic action in this section pretty accurately too.

Give me the song and ill sing it like I mean it // Give me the words and ill say them like I mean it

Cos you got my heart in a headlock // You stopped the blood and made my head soft // And god knows // You got me sewn

Cadillac - Combustible Edison
Setting the scene for Between Bed and Boardroom.

Fairytale - Sara Bareilles
While this is a romance and not a fairy tale, the gist of the lyrics here really speak to the ridiculous nature of the romance tropes too - as both Gerard and Frank have been pointing out throughout the story. Since that's a relatively post-modern approach to fairy tales, this song is in the modern setting.

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom // Man made up a story said that I should believe him // Go and tell your white knight that he's handsome in hindsight // But I don't want the next best thing // So I sing and hold my head down and I break these walls round me // Can't take no more of your fairytale love

But the story needs some mending and a better happy ending

When It Falls Apart - Matthew Perryman Jones
The theme of again, again resurfaces, but this also where the fractures between our intrepid duo make themselves known.

Oh, why is the truth // So hard to take // The heart can not go free // Til it breaks

When it falls apart // The pieces fit // But you won't see it // Til your blinded

Your Love - Midtown
Gabe gets a cameo, since he's the 'third times a charm' intervention from outside sources guy.

I ain't got many friends left to talk to // Nowhere to run when I'm in trouble // You know I'd do anything for you // Stay the night - but keep it under cover

Curtains - Josh Ritter
The spell ends. So this means happily ever after...right?

Do You Still Love Me? - Nicholas Kirk
Frank walks away. Not so much with the happily ever after then.

All My Stars Aligned - St. Vincent
Magic got them to this point, but it's not what fixes the situation.

There are no signs // There are no stars aligned // No amulets no charms // To bring you back to my arms // There's just this human heart // That's built with this human fault // What was your question // Love is the answer

Do You Love Me? - Guster
This is the theme song. Not for the spell and its confines perhaps, but definitely for Frank and Gerard's situation.

I got marbles in my mouth // Thousand words I wanna say but it's impossible to spit em out // I can barely make a sound // Do you love me?

A Kiss To Build a Dream On - Louie Armstrong
A sweet coda, to leave the audience smiling. This is the making out in the back of the bus, credits roll song. Since this is the real world, the guys got a proper jazz standard as a love song.

Give me a kiss to build a dream on // And my imagination will thrive upon that kiss // Sweetheart, I ask no more than this // A kiss to build a dream on.


These are the notes crowgirl13 sent us, and we are frankly awed by her dedication and outright awesome. Just lookit this! The amount of thought that has gone into it is incredible, and it fits the fic brilliantly - and you should definitely tell her so!

Quick note: we screwed up a bit; there was originally going to be a different ending, and that was the one we summarised in the first draft which was sent off to the bbb mods. In the end, it felt contrived, so we changed things up a little - the mix still works perfectly with the fic, but we owe crowgirl13 an apology for the shake-up. Thank you so much, and sorry!

fandom: band: cobra starship, genre: drama, fandom: band: p!atd, warning: triggering content, fandom: band: mcr, !authors: collaboration, fanfiction, warning: violence, rating: pg-13, genre: humour, bandom, fic length: multi-chapter, genre: romance

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