Aug 06, 2007 09:28
I had 2 very strange dreams last night they were more like short stories rather then dreams i will start from the 1st
I was in a my house and was just there doing nothing of real significance and was then called by foe and was told to head over to his house he sounded really worried so I rushed over and made it to his house which looked like a hotel and i dont know if he was rich or anything but the damn house was huge. So I went in and made my way to the higher levels of his house and past the people who appeared to be maids or servents of some kind and then I ran into foe he said "Im glad you could make it, she is in real bad shape shes hurt bad." and I got worried so I ran past him and made my way to the room and on the way I saw Rolie, Randy, and a maid each one saying somthing about how bad the injurys were and making me all the more worried so I slamed the door open and saw a room in all white and there were 3 beds in one side and several couches on the other side on the couches were my mother mede and mimi and jenny was standing up and on the bed was Samantha reading or drawing I coudnt really tell and on the other bed was a figure covered with a sheet laying down so i went over and pulled off the sheet and it was Sakura ...... (Strange right) regardless she looked up and smiled she had a very bad cut on her face and it her it appeared her legs were broken she told me "Hey Richard am I that bad?" I covered her with the sheet and looked at eveyone else "I thought you guys told me she was in bad shape! God you people had me worried sick!" I then looked at her and smiled "You look great your gonna be ok." I was then approacehd by Samantha "She isnt in such bad but you know how everyone overreacts" she said "Yea I know right." I replied then it went over to Randy and Rolie who were working at some sort of water generator plant and alarms were sounding off and Randy was on the second floor of the room and water was gushing out form a pool near by "It cant take the pressure!" Randy shouted at Rolie
who was looking on from the first floor arms crossed as though there was no reason to be concerned "More Pressure!" Rolie shouted Randy then spined a redvalve and then everything started shaking and the water was out of control "Shit!" Rolie shouted before the complex exploded water gushed out and began flooding the city Foe and the others were escaping and I graped Sakura and took her to the boat but foe would not let her board "No you know I dont like her kind." foe proclaimed "Real mature foe then just go without me!" I screamed he shruged his shoulders and motioned for the boat to take off I made my way to the roof top and sat down in a corner holding her tightly as the water made its way to our feet she screamed
The 2nd dream was strange in that it didnt make any sense from what I could have seen
There was this black spider who was running away from his mate casue when a black widow mates she normally eats her partner so this guy was running like hell and he ran into this little girl and the spider said "Hey help me she is trying to kill me!" the girl picked him up and droped him in a puddle of water and the black widow was catching up he swam out and was trying his best to run even though he was soaked and then the black widow jumped at him but missed and then she was about to jump at him but then a foot came down and killed the blackwidow then the spider said "You all saw that it was selfdefense!"
Those were my 2 dreams they were strange and odd I hevent had a dream in some time now that I think about it
Regardless it was fun 2 Sakura even though it was under real bad circumstances =_=