Man, Weregeek has really gone crazy this month. Alina's over 2000 daily visitors, and on one specific day, she had over 7000, thanks to Howard Tayler mentioning her comic on his blog:
Weregeek mentioned on Schlock Mercenary So I guess putting a bunch of references to other webcomics in her comic was a good idea! :D In other news, we're a bit behind on packing... I've been writing and Alina's been working overtime (she put in 11 hours a day all last week and went in on the weekend too. This past Saturday was the only day off she's had since the 8th). Thankfully, she says she'll be done for good as of today! She's already made arrangements to pick up her final paycheck, which should have about 1000 dollars in holiday pay on it. Woot!
Hopefully we'll get all of the remaining packing done tonight and tomorrow, and be ready to go down to Regina on Wednesday morning. If not, we'll take an extra night and leave on Thursday instead. I'm almost done packing the kitchen (minus a few odds and ends we need to keep out) and all the sorting is finished, so I'm confident things will go quickly.