Apr 25, 2007 11:38
Kinda dusty in here, ain't it? Sorry for the lack of posts, but there hasn't been much to post about. I was waiting on feedback about my paper, I'm still waiting to hear about funding for my PhD, and I'm still writing many things. After this weekend, I have a lot less writing to do, thankfully... and as soon as the back-and-forth is done regarding this paper, that should be taken care of as well. I hope to have the current draft finished some time next week.
Other stuff: At the end of this month, Alina and I are going to put together an application email for Weregeek to move up to Keenspot. She's already over 1000 daily readers, she's never missed an update, and her comic is really good. I'm thinking they'll probably accept her, although it may take them a while to get around to it... so the sooner she applies, the better. Being on Keenspot means she's likely to see a huge increase in readership as well, since Keenspot comics all advertise on one another's pages. Woohoo!
I'm running a RIFTS game starting this Sunday. I'm really looking forward to it; it's been so long since I ran anything other than Shadowrun or LARPs that I've almost forgotten the Palladium System. I can't wait to see how the group comes together. We got together last week to come up with general concepts, and I like how it's shaking out: A martial-artist Headhunter, a super-powered Rogue Scholar and a super-powered Wilderness Scout (sisters), an alien Cyberdoc and a Dragon-Wolf technowizard. For those of you unfamiliar with RIFTS, this group actually isn't all that unusual. :D
On Friday I'm running a game at the Flatland games convention in Regina... a one-shot Kingdom Come LARP. It should be interesting, although I'm kind of pulling it out of my ass. I didn't have a lot of time to plan it, and I'm juggling the writing with several other projects... but it'll still be pretty interesting! I'm in Regina now, visiting my folks. I just made eggs benedict for breakfast for my mom.
Ok, enough procrastinating... I gotta get back to writing.