(no subject)

Oct 08, 2007 14:39

I was just surfing the net trying to find some research for this review I have to write for tomorrow, and I stumbled upon good ol' livejournal. Man, I haven't written in this thing forever. College is actually turning out to be okay. I met some people, enjoy my classes [most of the time], and just love doing nothing :D Like right now, i'm procrastinating like crazy. I have to stop. lol... I haven't gone to church in forever, ever since i graduated highschool. I dunno its weird to explain. I wish I could go. My english class @ BCC is sooo awesome! i love it. Its not your typical college english class, where you write 20 page essays every week. You actually learn stuff. like right now, we just finished The Secret and are reading Chuck Norris [his views on zen buddhism and how they compare to the Secret] and now we just moved on to Tupac. [I have a bunch of questions to answer for tomorrow, but its all good]. who would have think you would be watching a documentary on Tupac in college? I'm just blown away. The best thing is that my professor doesn't grade most of our essays and/or question assignments! Its such a relief. He does tell us what we get on the papers from a range of check (okay) to bravo (amazing). lol. Its a cool way to look at stuff. A couple of assignments coming up are going to be graded but thats fine with me. I'm def. taking 1102 with this guy, cuz the whole class accidently bought an 1102 book, so i might as well use it. My theatre appreciation class is going pretty well. I got my first 100 on a test the other day! I was so happy. I just hate that regular acting classes arn't included in the AA criteria. oh well. We have go to two shows a term, like Cappies, and write less than 2 pages on it. Work has been going well too, i got a "Spotlight" award the other day :D. [its when a customer calls to compliment you on how you treated them] That was really great and a total confidence booster. I guess my overall confidence is rising, well i'm just not worrying about petty things like I used to. School, well thats another story. Anyways, i really do like my job, everyone is so nice and the hours are wayyyy flexible. That's pretty much what I've been up to lately, haven't gone out at all, nothing. since well, a few people dumped me lol. I really don't care, if you want to ruin your life and try to grow up to fast, be my guest. oh well. I guess that's it.

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