Our School Was On The News!

May 13, 2005 22:22

Wow, I haven't updated in like a week. My group for Drama performed on Wednesday and we got picked to put on the show in front of the whole entire school. *groan* I have like so much stuff to design for it, you can't believe. I have so much stuff running through my brain at the moment, its driving me crazy.

I'm struggling through Algebra, as I always mention in every entry, and I had to give Ms. Greenberg my permission slip thing for Tuesday (Play), so I can get out of class for the whole day and she started asking me all these questions. Gui was there, he can tell ya what happend. She was like asking me, if I had anybody's number in that class and I said other than Gui's, No. She got kinda ticked off and stuff and finally did sign my paper, thank god.

I do have to say that I am proud of my group, but I wasn't expecting to be picked and nobody wanted to perform it again either. Oh well. We didn't get to practice today, because Mr. Aronson wasn't there and we had a sub. I don' t exactly know why he wasn't there but I heard it was bad. Hope everything goes well with him.

Lunch was fun today even though all I remember was that i was laughing at times. hehe. I can't remember anything else that happened this week. :)

Tomorrow, I will be at the mall all day till like 3:30ish, so please stop by!

♥ Heather

May 18
Superlatives are due

May 20
Harbinger Banquet

May 23
Cappies Gala

May 26
Drama Club Banquet

June 2
Last Day of school

June 17 & 18 (I don't know the exact day)
Caitlin's play *buy ticket from her*

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