
Random Trivia: Aereons

Aug 18, 2015 13:04

Just a little something I felt like posting about my fursona's species. Thought you might enjoy some of them. :D

[And now, TRIVIA!]
1) The spot of discolored fur on an Aereon's tail actually covers something: a hole! As shown in this just-for-fun Mega Evolution pic I did, the larger, denser bone at the end of their tail has a hole in it. This lets air flow through the Aereon's tail when swinging it at a predator, allowing for greater swinging speed and, thus, a more powerful impact. They have also been shown to be able to grasp small objects, like rocks and sticks, with their tails because of this; it is believed they learned to do this to assist in preening their wings.

2) Aereons can channel the natural energies around them through their bodies and expel it in concentrated, forceful bursts. By channeling through their wings, they can produce blasts of searing heat to ward off predators, or use it to increase their air or land speed; the fastest running speed of an Aereon recorded to to date is over 35 miles per hour, along with a top flying speed of over 45 mph and a top diving speed that tipped the scales at over 120! Perhaps the most astonishing use of this ability, however, comes from when they channel those energies through a special organ near their larynx, known as the drachenzunge ("Dragon's Tongue" in German); the energy blasts that they can release can knock out predators more than 5 times their size in an instant, and can set off a devastating pressure wave underwater.

3) An Aereon's diet is pescetarian; while they generally enjoy small fruits and vegetables, their primary food source is fish. The "pressure wave" technique mentioned above is one of their primary hunting tactics, with a single burst being enough to knock out dozens in an instant. This is also why they have such fast diving abilities; a preferred hunting tactic is to dive down at a school of fish in a group, with the lead Aereon unleashing a "pressure wave" to knock them out. The rest of the pack scoops a few of the fish up, with the lead and those who didn't get one looping up through the air and back down again to grab their meal.

4) A family of Aereons is called a cluster. A group of 2 or more clusters is called a mess. Male, female, and child Aereons are called drakes, wyrms, and whelps, respectively.

5) (This fact only applies to Aereons found in Pokemon-centric realities) Trying to catch an Aereon with any kind of a Pokeball is impossible. Aside from how the natural energies they channel through their bodies interfere with a Pokeball's capture technology, their reflexes and powerful tail strikes will almost guarantee that throwing a Pokeball at one of them will get it launched right back at you. There have been unconfirmed reports of Pokemon Trainers attempting to catch an Aereon only to catch themselves instead! (But, again, these are unconfirmed.)

6) Aereons squeak when they get the hiccups!

7) Aereons do not like spicy food. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FEED ONE ANYTHING SPICY. It won't hurt them or anything, but they may wind up hurting you for being such a jerk to them.

8) The Aereon mating ritual is a somewhat violent one. To show that they will be able to protect their mate and their offspring, a male Aereon trying to woo a female will seek out a large predator and attack it, attempting to drive it away in a show of force. Success generally leads to whelps a few months later...failure generally leads to being mauled to death by the predator. :[

9) Aereons raise their young in areas near vegetation and water. Owners of farms, orchards, and fisheries claim that having a cluster (or even a full-blown mess) living nearby is a sign of good fortune; not only do they drive off larger threats to their crops and catches, but it's taken as a sign of said food being of good quality!


And that's that!
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