One week til vacation. Woo! I can't wait. Just Kris and I and open road for just over a week. We are driving up to Gettysburg and making some stops along the way. Fort Sumter, Nutter's ice cream, hopefully a fried Twinkie somewhere (I can dream can't I?!?) Woo! (jim is excited). I've got the GPS all set, the iPod is full of disco and Pick Floyd. Oh yes, it's gonna be great.
I was going to write something in here about my sister being a bitch, but I just don't care enough.
I have been wanting to play old D&D lately.
Wil Wheaton made a comment the other day about one of the best modules I played as a kid. B2: The Keep on the Borderlands. I think I first played in 79 or so (damn I feel old). I remember being at Ricky's house. Bill Romm was there and I think this kid Jason (or maybe it was Scott. I don't know it was almost 30 years ago). Ricky was running it and got the parts mixed up. So the castle that was supposed to be our base was full of monsters. It made it very re-playable later on when I read it over and then the bad guys were in the caves. :) Now I just need to find some people willing to deal with THAC0 (Kristen... the light of my life and my wonderful wife, is not into THAC0).
If any of you want to rent a condo in SW Florida, let me know. I can hook ya up. No pets though. Otherwise, we would be living there. Or my sister in law. Of course, the rent would be higher than in Podunk.