Random things

Nov 18, 2010 03:39

Doing novel research, I learned that if I ever have a kid, I'm not going to be able to name him after my favorite Ninja Turtle without things being very awkward. Good thing my heart's all set on Theodore Gideon.

Buckwheat honey is delicious. I like plain clover "I bought this for less than two bucks at walmart" honey too, but buckwheat honey isn't as sweet. Almost like molasses, but without the weird ting I've never liked.

Tuesday's Girls With Slingshots comic was strangely, awkwardly relevant. Nowhere near as relevant as reading George RR Martin's "The Second Kind of Loneliness" but the timing of it was still uncanny. The rest of the story arc is considerably less relevant (and ends with hugs and support instead of resigned apathy, so...meh).

I was right about the pages. Haven't heard anything back, and if I haven't now, I guess I won't. They weren't that good to begin with. I mean, they're okay, but I know I'm not at a level for it to be worth him doing anything about 'em except look. All I can hope is that he'll still look when I send another batch. I should've asked for some scripts to work with.

Writing a 1930's magical noir as a sort of belated nanowrimo, but mostly an excuse to sit down and feel productive (because at the end of an hour of writing, I have an hour's worth of writing, whether or not it's good, and I can go and change it later, whereas at the end of an hour's worth of drawing, I may not even have a rough for a panel worth finishing), and because a bunch of "just sit down and write stuff" books came through the library, and I decided why the heck not. It's actually kind of fun writing without a plan.

Also tossing around the idea of doing a two or three page story for the Orange Octopus zine. I need to order an issue and see if I think I could. It might be a good idea, all things considered.

Went flying at the Ren Fest. Well, sort of trampoline-bungee-jumping between two poles in a harness that lets you flip and stay in the air like you're weightless for several glorious seconds, but it's sort of the best thing ever, and I wish I could do it again. Also hit a perfect bullseye on the longbows with my second shot. Dead. Freaking. Center. That and getting to see Mark were weekend highlights. Also the bookshop and writer Q&A were interesting, even though I didn't know the writers. I miss Mark.

And...that's about it.
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