Sep 30, 2009 10:54
I'm just wondering if anyone else is reading Gotham City Sirens? The first issue was kinda...meh. Then Cat let me read 2 and 3 while I was in Baton Rogues last weekend. And the second was...alright.
And the third was fantastic. Omigosh, I never thought I'd say I'd want another writer over Dini for a Gotham Girls-type story, but can we pleeeeeease just have Scott Lobdell writing this now? Or, better yet, give him his own Riddler book. Do it, DC. Do it right now. *points meaningfully* And put José Luis García-López as the artist. He's made of perfect.
Outside of the still-burned-in-my-mind-for-being-so-fantastically-perfect Batman Confidential #26-28, it's probably the best Riddler I've read in ages. Certainly a perfect reformed-Riddler. Willing to do good, not exactly remorseful about his past, but a little...unenthusiastic about it ("That' old picture.") Snarky, and absolutely certain he's the smartest cat in the alley. Interesting banter with Dick!Batman ("Alison, this is the Batman. That Batman, Alison." "I'm leaving now."), and arguably one of my favorite Riddler lines ever ("For the record, it's killing me not to ask you 'Why is this man smiling?'")
I've really been wanting some good reformed Riddler stuff, especially since that post on noscans_daily. There's just so much potential there, notsomuch for deep, important events as much as just some good, fun, noir-ish stories about an interesting and entertaining character. C'mon, DC.
(Also...anyone else less than enthused by the art? Not terrible, but just...I dunno, so sharp and angular. Don't really care for it).