May 19, 2008 13:00
Kirkman has been FINALLY kicked off of the Ultimate X-men book. Not only that, but his last act was to pretty much retcon the worst of his sins (or else it's the new fella's first act, in which case, kudos, and I love you). Specifically, one of the first things you see in the new story arc is the X-men playing softball like they used to, and Nightcrawler goes to apologize to Colossus for suddenly becoming a psychotic, hate-filled homophobe. It's okay, Kurt, we know it was Kirkman using mind-control.
Plus, the art looks great! I haven't been able to force myself to buy Ultimate X-men for awhile. I only picked up the Morlock arc because of Toad, and even he can't make me get the Apocolypse mess, but every time I flipped through, I thought the art was hideous. Faces looked traced and poorly-acted, and the colours were all muddy and just plain bad. The new guy's stepping it up and making it look like a pleasure to read again.
And finally, of course, my favourite thing--TOAD!!
It's the one good thing Kirkman did, IMHO. When Scott turned the X-mansion back into a school, he hired Toad as the gym teacher (which cracks me up, because that totally happened in not one, but two of my fics. Not that they went up, so I'm not saying anything like that). I was so pleased that someone had finally remembered that Scott and Toad were phone-buddies who chatted for hours about LotR in their spare time.
I'm just hoping the new guy actually uses Toad, and that he makes him, well, cool. I know traditionally, Toad's a bit of a loser, but in Ultimate, he always seemed a little laid-back and sarcastic to me. Fun little quips while flattening two X-men before they have a chance to blink? Plus, if he can chat for hours about LotR, he's gotta be sort of a geek. And physically, he's a bit of a punk, so... Geeky, sarcastic, British punk who's actually a fairly nice guy deep down (maybe a soft spot for kids. C'mon, make him good with kids!), please Mr. New Writer?
Maybe I'll up my game soon enough to actually draw Ulti!Toad being nifty sometime.