Oct 24, 2002 12:00
Well I said I was going to post when I got home last ngiht, but I lied. After getting pulled over for having a "liscence plate light out" and getting a /Driving Liscence Suspended/ charge, hitching home, and the whole time thinking. Boy that state trooper was really cute, talkative, nice, and about my age, it's too bad she just busted me for being a dumb -ass and not paying a speeding ticket. Well that was what my mind rotated around last night, all the little things that come about through chance. Staying an extra day at Millie and Sam's, leaving the exact time I did, speeding a little too much so the cop pulled a U-ie behind me instead of me getting there 5 minutes later when she already would have been gone. It's funny how getting in trouble with the law always runs me through a chain reaction scenario of how much we deal with luck and coincidence on a daily basis. The type of scenarios that only happen when you stop to think because somthing bad just happened, unfortunatly. i can rarely think of any case where I did somthing good, or was pleasantly suprised in which I started putting forward the domino factor of time and events.
In the same way almost it seems you can never escape the trivialness of ganging up and back stabbing, even in the land of the internet. Especailly over the past few months I've seen too many people backstabbed or ousted by groups in the lands i play in. As my intrests say i'm found of Role Playing Systems, and over the past year or more now my one of choice has been the World of Darkness, of which I play on-line in two different places. Unfortunatly or fortunatly, however you look at it, I'm a talkative sort, and I feel I'm rather good at what I do in these games, especailly on-line, since I feel (while my spelling, and for things like that or here that i'm not graded on, my sentance structure as well, just plain sucks) I'm rather better than average with them, and between that and my talking streak I usually become friends with the people that run them. The downside to this is the more people that run it or used to run it, that I'm friendly with, the more drama I hear about who did what to who. Even in my own life it's come through with a shining example, one of my best friends was one of these people that was semi-in charge of one of the chats (an assistant story teller was his title) and due to who he was under, a woman in Cali. who I'm also friendly with, he got set up and fired "coincidentally" the same week as her by someone we both considered a friend of ours. On the other end of the smaller chat i'm on, where everyone is merely people I've met on-line, I'm even more involved with the people running it, and while the fights are more justified, I find myself in the middle of a lot more of them and have to constantly remind people that i do not pick sides. ::shrugs:: Ah well, I guess there's another one of those character specific things about me. Ben "the kid that don't pick sides."