First: Dottie redid my journal for me. She rocks! I like it. although i agree with her that it is kind of busy. It's cool though, we'll get it. The background lyrics are "Wish" by NIN, which is my theme song... if you have never heard it go snag it, you'll understand me a little better. Now I owe her my soul, but I wasn't going to use it anyway. ;) P.S. Dot, I DID give your mom that DVD, so I don't know what happened.
Second: I would like to point out that a majority of Americans just "threw away" their vote, as many have accused me of. No matter who wins almost half the country "threw away" thier vote. If you don't agree that it was "thrown away" then remember that next time you say that to someone from an alternative party. Never before have I heard so many people voting against someone by voting for another. That to me is a big time "throw away" vote. Next time look at ALL the candidates. Your future children thank you to not be so lazy next time.
Third: Minner (I like to call her Mrs. Neo-Nazi) won governor again. Anyone not from Delaware want to adopt me? I no longer want to live here. Appearantly I am surrounded by party-line voters, with blinders on, who are not informed of the topics. I have a new state slogan "Douchbagaware- the first state to suck"
Fourth: I miss LJ, so I just might be around more.
Finally: <-- Wish I knew that before and could have had time to become Minner's personal assitant. I would have loved to "spike" her coffee.