May 01, 2003 16:49
well my trip turned out great. around 7:30pm monday night i poped a 200mg mesc then puked around 8:30pm. then at 9pm i poped another and i was fuckin' flyin. brett was with me till 1am appearing as a guiding troll.. since he's alittle over weight and the way his face structor is he seriously looked like a troll. at first i stared at my ceiling as it turned into a galaxy of stars with a large sunflower which was odd.. at about 11 we went off to the park by a school and hung out with the dinasours of the sandy sea. cars where smiling and mopeds were buzzing bees. around at 1 brett left to go home and i was alone wandering around the streets. when i walked up kennedy drive it all turned into a dance floor of flashing street lamps with street lines happily waving about. it was great. i walked over to albertsons around at 2 to get something to eat since my stomach was empty it took me a long ass time to find something to eat and drink. it took me about 10 minutes to go from isle to isle. people became freindly around me and really nice. i found Two Stars in albertsons and talked to him for awhile. he went off and started getting his groceries as i stared at fruit. after i bought munchied and a drink i sat outside of albertsons and ate grapes while condos became hills and dogs in a car spoke to me. after about 10 minutes two stars came out and sat with me and he felt the heavy vibes from me. it was great. he let me old a power gem necklace that he wanted to pass on to me while i was on my trip which would of been awsome but since he couldn't pass it on he gave me a scuba diving gear goggle anti-fogger oil. =)
it was all good. around at 3 i left albertsons and went to the baseball feind and stared off into the open feild for awhile. my peak was gone and i just felt the waves of joy. i got home around 4am and tried to go to bed but the mesc didn't allow me. i took a xanax to help me pass out which it did. problem was i woke up around at 7 with this massive headache. poped abunch of tylenol and went back to sleep. the trip i really enjoyed and wished i had a tape recorder with me. next time i hope i could trip with a freind instead of alone. usualy when ever i take something i'm always the only one on that's on it while everyone else would either be drunk or high... damn it i need to get freinds who can afford shit...
well i finally got the internet working on my cell phone again. so i guess that's cool or something.. bah.. i gotta wait for brett so i think i'm gonna go play tetris on my phone...