Life, waiting to nurse...

Oct 21, 2007 01:23

Not much to update with. I'm consumed with trying to care for Devin and myself, trying to learn and adjust to this new life. It's scary and crazy and new, and I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing yet. Working on nursing, trying to get her to sleep at night, things like that. She's been pretty fussy on and off for the last week, so we're dealing with that now.

Dave goes back to work Monday.

Devin had her ped appointment yesterday, and she's doing great so far. Gained 10 ounces since her birth, nothing else really noteworthy to mention. I've got my doc appointment next week, then Devin goes in again the week after that.

I'm around, if you miss me. You can always try calling, though I can't garuntee I'll have a hand free to answer. I miss you. Hope life is treating you all well, and I can't wait till our paths cross again. *hugs* More later, I'm sure.

pic, ped, scary, update, devin, life

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