Pensive time before running off to work...

May 06, 2007 18:22

I'm ready... for work... early... and I don't know... what to do... with myself. ;) Weird... maybe I'll just head out a little early.

I'm looking a the books on my shelves, books I got for growth, learning, meditation... I keep thinking back to the "OMG grab stuff and flee" day I had a couple weeks ago, and I still catch myself choosing and cataloging what I'd take if I have to pack "light", what books are more important. Right now, I'm not even sure, and I don't think that's good.

I need to sit down, focus, and get working on some things that have been hanging in the balance for a long time.

Heh... good luck to me on that one - I have such a hard time concentrating on one project at a time right now I just started TWO new chochet projects and I'm STILL knitting that scarf, trying to finish my book and re-catch up on my comics. And LJ. Will power and motivation are one thing, but being easily distracted and too eager to do too many things at once is another, heh.

So much to read, so much to learn, so much to do, so much to explore and experience. So many people to see. Not to mention so much I need to do, to organize and clean and sort. Some days I just don't know where to start.

distracted, busy, unfocused, early, unsure, hobby, sort, fight or flight, ponder, think, pack

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