Computer - up and ready to go!

Jan 11, 2007 02:17

The Geek Squad came today and set up my laptop :D. He set up my wireless router, installed the PC-cillin AntiVirus and Webroot Spy Sweeper Antispyware software, and deleated all the trial stuff.

We were chatting about the slow-ass internet - turns out he lives in the building across from me! *laughs* So that was neat. He was very nice, and we got to chat for a while because the slow-ass connection made the set-up take an hour and a half to download all updates to my software. :P But it's all set now, and just waiting for me to use it!

After he left I installed Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines and iTunes for my Shuffle. Got a couple other games I wanna load - I think The Sims et al are next, and maybe VtM Redemption. Those games'll keep me busy for a while, heh.

Gotta surf for anime and comics pics too, now that I can, a bit faster anyway. And download AIM. And stuff. :D

Hmmm... I still need to transfer all my old stuff from my tower to my laptop - mainly a TON of music and pics I've taken. Anyone out there have an external hard drive I could borrow? :P

I'm super excited!! *squees into the night*

game, help, computer, geek squad, links

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