Nov 08, 2006 04:02
Wow, you DID ignore me! Heh...
Seriously, my cycle's finally landed, so while I'm NOT looking forward to the next few days of excrutiating pain, I AM looking forward to regaining a little sanity. Yay!! I actually feel better already, and with ibprofen already on board I'm mostly ok, if a bit sore.
There's... nothing... here... o_O This is not a BAD thing, but kinda woah. Sunday we filled things up pretty good, with something like 10 patients, not counting strays and boarders. It was a hard day too... not everything got to go home. Not everything arrived alive :P. Monday a bunch went home, so we were down to I think 4. Today? We have 2, and one really isn't sick at all, but she's a Silky Terrier puppy with vomitting and diarrhea, so we can't take chances on a little girl like that. And, by the way, she's just the CUTEST little thing in the world. *luffs*!
Still feeling generally trepidacious, but overall I think things really are going to be ok. Knowledge is power, and all that jazz. This too shall pass. Etc, etc.
Sorry I'm being a little cryptic. I AM feeling better, and I don't really feel like explaining myself. :P
I've got a lot to do still, and I am still feeling a wee bit overwhelmed, but I also know a big chunk of that will be over soon, and I have a lot to look forward to, like dancing with a fabulous man at one of my best friend's weddings. :D Yay!!
OK, gotta go. More later I'm sure.