Gah! LJ won't let me reply to anyone's posts... I get the reply screen, but only up to "check spelling during preview". Grrr... I can't copy from the page either... how weird is that?
duosiceprincess: I'm sorry your parents are being butts about the internship. I for one am proud of you, especially getting opportunities in a field that you'd love. I know how you felt about journalism after you graduated... you have to do what you have to do. Love you babes. Oh, and the face rocks ;). *nods* Very Tank Girl.
kidamnesia: S'ok hon, I'm sure everything'll work out great. Don't stress. *hugs* Go kiss the Karon-Kitty, that'll help I'm sure ;).
twilightblade: Looks like you had a good weekend, cool! You're going to have to cook for me sometime you know. ;)
fianna: I love your Ludo icon! Heh, you have some of the coolest icons. :D
Hmm... I think that's everyone for now. Of course, I love you all. :D I'll reply to the comments in my journal later...
Oh, for the love of Christ... I can't get into Hotmail either. I can get to the MSN page, but not to Hotmail. Seems I'm cut off. That's just not cool.
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