Weird Day...

Aug 16, 2012 02:31

What a weird day o_O.

So I decided that this would be a bit of a "last hurrah" day for us, we'd go out and have a nice lunch and get comics and belly dance, then we'd tighten our belts and figure out how the hell this accident and stuff is going to affect us, and react accordingly. Or something. You know... grown up stuff...

So, anyway, so I get the child moving, shower, dress, grab my belly dance stuff and head out the door. Put my key into the ignition and... nothing. Nothing. So, initially I panic and my heart falls like a rock into my stomach. I'm screwed. We're not going to make it to lunch, let alone belly dance. But then I remember the Groupon I got for AAA, and the fact that I did remember to redeem it before this mess all started. SO, I dig out my membership card and give them a ring.


The gentleman on the phone with me was very nice and helpful. Within 3 minutes (quoted 45, heh) the battery check AAA guy is there. He tests it, and it passes every test. BUT, he tells me, he's been changing a lot of 2009 car batteries, so just be careful. He charges it or whatever it is he did to get me going again (don't ask me... SO not car savvy :P), then asks me where I'm going. When I tell him Schaumburg he said that's good, it'll give the battery a chance to recharge. Yay! 30 minutes, done and saved. So we head off to Schaumburg. Thank the Lord and the Lady for AAA. We paid nothing for the battery service and now I realize how much more peace of mind I really have. Priceless; I CANNOT let that lapse.

We went right to lunch first. We ate at Royal Buffet. OMG... we loved it! After thoroughly stuffing our faces we headed over to the Petland in the same plaza to play with some poor underprivileged puppies. We WERE going to go to Woodfield after that... but we spent 3 hours there. Devin fell in love with a little black and white Havanese puppy she named Kyle... and he fell in love right back with her! We must have played with him for a half hour. If life were different... Devin LOVED the hamsters, and I must say, these were the most handle-able hamsters I think I've ever met. I really though about taking 1 or 2 home o_O. Yikes. I fell once again in ferret love. I am already in rattie love. The Persian was too cute. The bunnies were adorable. I think you see where this is going. They also have this HUGE Aquarium Adventure area. We must have been in THERE for over an hour. Beats out the Shedd for price and location ;). Dev TOTALLY dug the koi pond. It was just... super fun. I almost came home with another beta too. Damn. I would have a menagerie if I could.

Right then. So after AWESOME ANIMAL OVERLOAD we headed to Keith's Komix and proceeded to chill THERE for an hour and a half <3. I adore that man. Ladaska said he's kind of like my bartender ;). We talked for a while and it really helped me. He's been my comic book guy since I moved there in May-ish 2005, so he's seen me go through a LOT. No need to re-tell back story ;). But seriously, sometimes just a fresh perspective on my current sitch helps, so I was very grateful for that. He's SO good to Devin too :D. And from there we headed over to Pilates Plus for belly dance.

Neta was tense cause her Siamese wasn't feeling well, so we got right to practice, where I promptly learned that my knee is NOT better yet. So I faked it to go through the run through. *sigh* We worked a little on costuming and planned, then parted ways. We'll try again next week, when we are hopefully WAY less gimpy as a group o_O. Yikes.

And here I am, not sleeping like I should be, icing my knee and playing around online, describing my day in excruciating detail ;). Tomorrow will be chill with as little driving as possible, maybe a swim, maybe putting the last of the laundry away and sorting Dev's clothes, then back to the work grind Friday.

Hmm... need to go to Goodwill and Dev's doc for preschool paperwork. Tomorrow? Maybe. And must photograph Dev's room!! Well, we'll see what gets done <3. Night all.

day, errands, comic, buffet, pet, sleepless, puppy, belly dance, car, to do, weird, rat, school, hamster, schaumburg, hurt, fish, update, panic, devin

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