Productive day!

Jul 13, 2008 01:25

I'm restless. I'm feeling antsy today and I didn't wanna be home. I was on my own with the baby, so we went on a couple walks around her naps. I was actually very productive. In 2 hours on foot we deposited my first paycheck (yes!!), browsed Michael's (they've got Halloween stuff out o_O), got birthday cards for my parents, got my hair mousse, browsed bikes (sticker shock...), tried to get printer ink cartridges refilled (no luck) and shopped for inflatable baby pool toys (also no luck, but she did get a new bath toy). We kicked bootie!! Devin was in her stroller the whole time too, sitting like a big girl. *sigh* She's growing so fast! After her nap we went to Jewel. Still no ink cartridge luck, but I picked up some stuff for lunches and dinner. I feel like I got no food for what I spent, but oh well... We did good.

Devin's become even MORE outgoing, if you can believe it. It started yesterday (Friday). She's never been one to shy away from strangers, but yesterday and today she was actually smiling at them, "talking" to them and gestering toward them. She's getting loud too. It's the darnedest thing. People eat it up too, it's so funny. Everyone compliments her and says she's so sweet and such a good baby. She's a charmer... I'm scared of what is to come ;).

I know I'm in the mood for comfort today too. I ended up buying a bunch of sweet treats and didn't even realize it till I took stock at home o_O. Candy peanuts and chocolate and ice cream and berries for pudding... Yeah. Then I was drooling over Chocolate Chip Cookie S'mores and Grilled Bananas with Maple Creme Fraiche on Food Network, heh. I even wore Hocus Pocus by Woobie today - A magical blend of maples, maples and more maples, with sugar, rum and hints of spice. Oh well.

I made myself be productive tonight as well. I made myself dinner right before putting Devin down. After she was asleep I ate said dinner, did all the dishes, took out all the trash, straightened, vacuumed, cleared off the dining room table, and wrapped birthday presents. Yesterday I organized ALL my new comics too... I was like 2 months behind, but I've bought them all... now to READ them, heh.

When I went out to take out trash, I wanted to stay out there. It was perfect. Cool breeze, starry sky, like 65, just a LOVELY night. I wish I could take a walk, but that's ok, I need to sleep soon anyway. I'll leave you all with a few pics:

She's so damn cute in "growed up" clothes ;).

Her new thing is raising her arms straight up in the air so we say "yay baby" and clap or cheer. She does it often, even when messy ;). She gets all kinds of food in her hair now, heh.

Lookit my big girl!! She's been tongue-ing the right side of her mouth, like in this pic, a lot. I'm wondering if we're gearing up for tooth #6...

Michael's today... o_O

chores, social, shopping, comfort, devin, pics, halloween, productive

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