I don't know how many of you do the whole podcast thing and I don't care. That's a lie, I do care and I do know. But I don't know what podcasts you listen to and/or produce. And to that, I do not care. But tell me anyway. Because I do care. One of the ones which helps me get past
Black Blog Blogitty Blog (AKA: The only show worse than cancer) is
Fair Game. While, yes, the comedy writing is a bit heavy handed and Leno-esque at moments (it's true, Faith. Deal.), it sometimes has some brilliant shining moments of brilliancy. Such as this segment:
THIS ONE. I'd give you a hint as to what it was in order to entice you to listen, but it is much better if you don't know. So just listen. What do you have to lose?
Damn, this pledge drive has been wearing on me. I've decided to give to WNYC because they provide 90% of the podcasts I use to avoid Black Blog Blogitty Blog. I can't support my local station as long as they continue to broadcast the most racist, shallow and pointless show ever to take to the air during the exact moment in time that I want to listen to the radio. How bad is it? Remember when Juan Williams hosted Talk of the Nation? Those were the good times, my friends. This show has Juan as a senior news analyst. He does a superb job of taking a news story and adding nothing to it in any way. Unfortunately for Juan, I can read headlines on my own, so I still have no use for him. Oh, awful waste of time and money, if you didn't exist NPR may actually craft a good show that focuses on news from a minority perspective. Instead, we get Black Blog Blogitty Blog. The worst show ever.