Slitheries and genetics

Aug 17, 2007 19:05

Last week, starting Wednesday night (Thursday morning? I can't remember for sure) the first clutch of eggs started hatching. They belong to Myst and Lokni. We got 9 normals and 2 black and whites. Myst is black and white, and apparently, Lokni has a recessive gene for it too. So, I've narrowed both of their genes down a bit. They finished hatching in 3 days. So, given that Rylla is my baby...and Myst is her baby... I'm now a great grandmother :D

The second clutch started hatching Wednesday. These are Rylla and Zair's. The first baby was normal (color), but came out prematurely. The yolk sack was still attached and it wasn't doing well. Yesterday it was doing better and shed the yolk sack. Today it wasn't doing very well. Still don't know if it will make it. This morning the second two hatched. One was black and white and the second one was amelanistic. I hope there's a snow in the four remaining eggs. Roni will call me again tomorrow and let me know what's come out. I can't wait to see the babies. I hope the first one survives, but it seems likely that it has fatal internal abnormalities. Anyway, on to what I've figured out about the genetics...

Key: B = black genes (bb = orange without black - amelanistic). R = red genes (rr = black and white - anerythristic). H = modifier gene for hypomelanistic (In black and white, hh creates a ghost). Snow = bbrr = no black, no red, white with a pattern.

Rylla: Bbrr HH - Anerythristic het for amelanistic.

Phantom: BBrr hh - Ghost (anerythristic & hypomelanistic) Unknown: het for amelanistic?

Lokni: B?Rr H? - Normal het for anerythristic Unknown: het for amelanistic? het for hypomelanistic?

Zair: BbRr H? - Normal het for anerythristic het for amelanistic Unknown: het for hypomelanistic?

Myst: B?rr Hh - Anerythristic het for hypomelanistic Unknown: het for amelanistic? Het for hypomelanistic

So... for the four babies yet unhatched.. a Punnett's Square

___|  BR  |  Br   |  bR   |   br    |
Br | BBRr | BBrr | BbRr |  Bbrr  |
__| Norm | Aner | Norm| Aner  |
br | BbRr | Bbrr  | bbRr | bbrr   |
__| Norm | Aner | Amel | Snow |

3/8 Normal - 37.5%
3/8 Anery - 37.5%
1/8 Amel - 12.5%
1/8 Snow - 12.5%

There's only 7 live eggs, and so far we have one normal, one anery, and one amel. I'll find out soon what the others are *dances*

Edit - 8/23
Premie baby is still alive. Hopefully he'll eat okay. The rest of the eggs were all normal or black and white. I'm not sure what exactly we got, but no more amel and no snows. I'll get to see them on Sunday or Monday. Yay!
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