Mar 04, 2011 13:38
First off, I want to say thanks to everyone who I talked to over the last few days for helping me deal with my panic attacks. I'd especially like to thank Boo, Bree and Jackie. You guys are the awesome!
Things have thankfully been resolved now! Or at least partway. My meeting with my Human Sciences advisor entailed a minor "Oh no you di'int" moment when she said that the class I needed was marked in the course catalog as spring only. I told her that it wasn't, in fact, and that both me and my other advisor had looked. She checked and found that it wasn't and essentially said "I'll be damned." I think that helped my case quite a bit, although I hope that she would have let me substitute another class anyway, which she is. Instead of taking Treatment of Addiction I'm going to be taking Alcohol, Drugs and Society. I'm not super excited about it, but eh, it's better than not graduating on time!
Essentially getting a guarantee that I'll be graduating in December is a huge load off my mind. Of course, it's on me not to fail or do anything egregiously stupid, but that's always on me. That means that now I have to find a new place to live. All the places on campus that I would consider living are already full up, so that means off-campus living. Fortunately, Sarah and I have really enjoyed living together and we both graduate in December so we've made plans to live together until then.
We did some apartment-hunting after class yesterday and found one place that we both LOVED and a few that were only okay. Unfortunately, everywhere we looked (and presumably everywhere else) is only offering ten- or twelve-month leases instead of five- or six-month like we would have liked. We're thinking about just signing a year lease at the place we really liked and then doing our best to get someone to take the lease over in January. It shouldn't be too hard, so here's hoping. I think we're going to try a few more places that might still do shorter leases, but they're probably all unfurnished. Unfortunately it's kind of the lesser of two evils at this point. I think I'd rather deal with a longer lease and get someone to take it over than have to mess with furniture, especially since I have no idea what's going to go down after December.
And now... time to watch Gargoyles and get to work.
texas tech,