Jul 23, 2010 13:02
I've already made this announcement to a few people, but I thought I'd say it here just for posterity.
My home internet is dead dead dead, despite Boo's IT brilliance. It will get fixed eventually but until then I'm coming up to the local library to check things once every few days.
Some short news before I go:
-Dad and I made up.
-I have done a TON of knitting. I'll take pics.
-Back To School is looming oh god oh god oh god.
-Can I quit my job yet?
-Had lunch yesterday with Bree and Sophia and it was lovely.
-I have been reading and I need to do some book reports/reviews.
-Life continues to march on.
Oh sweet Jesus. So one of the interesting parts of having to come to a public library is the things you overhear. There are three little girls (under ten) using the computers next to me and just listening to them is a mix between horrifying and hilarious.
Prime Example: "Come to the Dark Side. We have Justin Beiber."
Angels and minsters of Heaven preserve us.
daily life