Apr 08, 2010 01:47
I am in a much better mood right now, so I want to make a quick random little entry before it wears off.
I was productive like a motherfucker today. Got up, went to class, went to my other class, got a call saying that my CFAS advisor actually signed the piece of paper I needed to turn in in order to register for classes today and then went and got that taken care of. Cue applause. I felt really relieved to have that taken care of, but also at the same time mildly mad at myself because it was such an easy errand and I had been putting it off and putting it off and as a result I wasn't able to drop my darn art class.
Speaking of which, I went to that today as well and had a talk with my prof. I don't feel like going into detail but I basically told him that I was thinking of just not showing up anymore and taking the failing grade and that I felt awful about it and that I was sorry, but that the class was just taking a huge emotional toll on me and walking into that classroom every day was making me feel like I was going to have a panic attack. He was very nice about the whole thing and very understanding. He more or less said that he understood that I've been struggling, but that there was still a possibility of me being able to pass the class if I just put more effort into it. And then of course he also said "I wish you could still just drop the class and save yourself the failing grade" and asked if maybe I could find some way to still drop it. So there's that.
I ended up going over to the registrar's office, figuring that if anyone knew how to drop a class past the official drop date, they would. I was told that they couldn't do it, but I could make a case to my academic dean and that HE could drop it for me. So tomorrow I'm planning on going over there during his office hours and pleading. Literally pleading. We shall see.
I also finally wrote a nice long email to my grandmother, which I need to get better about. I also registered for my fall classes today, but that's another post all by itself. So yes, it was a good, productive day.
In other news, I have two tests this week on Thursday and Friday respectively. Not terribly worried about either, but I need to be sure to at least do some studying.
I'm looking forward to Friday and the weekend. In addition to the obvious reasons, I'm excited because Mom and Kiddo are going to come up and visit us! They've never come up and visited since I've been going to Tech, so that'll be fun. Mom's excuse is that she wants Kiddo to see a college and also because Elton John is playing on Friday. Whee! I need to spend a good chunk of Friday afternoon cleaning my room. I don't want her to think I live in squalor or anything, even though it's more cluttered than actually dirty.
Okay, it is time for bed. And I want to read a little bit more of Anne of Green Gables before I actually pass out, so it's time to wrap this up. Good night, all.
texas tech,
daily life,