GOOD NEWS -- I got 98% on my CLST 330 (Classical Greek Culture and Society) mid-term exam. Hurrah! All downhill from there though. And I am sorry to disappoint you about the lack of a 99.9% there,
BAD NEWS -- I have never done as badly on an exam as I just did coming out of PSYC 355 (Comparative Cognition). Never have I WTFed at so many questions, save for the chemistry exam back in first-year where I nearly failed and subsequently would have failed the entire course if I had.
GOOD NEWS -- When I came home from my last exam, the Threadless hoodie I had ordered for my birthday last week when the $25 Hoodie Sale was coincidentally on at the same time came in the mail!
BAD NEWS -- We watched a good (minus the cheesy bits around it, like the 1970's/1980's music) video on the Zimbardo Prison Experiment in PSYC 342 (Psychology of Social Influence) today. That's good. The bad comes in that I couldn't pay much attention to it because I was trying to study for the PSYC 355 (Comparative Cognition) exam at the same time D: D: D:
Longer mid-term run-down to come later, probably in a Friends-locked post because I am paranoid like that. Will probably repeat some of the stuff already mentioned here.