I cannot determine if their closeness and intimacy are genuine. There was some sort of violence that occurred when they were in the kitchen--I assume related to the fact that Light had lied to him--but as to exactly what their conversation entailed, it was impossible to tell. Still, when they emerged from the kitchen, their manner was dinstintctly more familiar.
I have made some tentative contacts as well. But it is not enough; we are yet at the disadvantage. Light has been diligent about talking with others and plying their trust. And II do not think that you and I come off as--"trustworthy". But I do not think that we can change that.
Have you found suitable replacements for the cameras and microphones that were destroyed in Light's apartment?
We will need to treat BIg Boss more carefully. I believe that he and Light have grown--closer since their meeting.
...Yeah, I think so too.
[sighs] We are in need of allies.
No but, you're right. We do.
I have made some tentative contacts as well. But it is not enough; we are yet at the disadvantage. Light has been diligent about talking with others and plying their trust. And II do not think that you and I come off as--"trustworthy". But I do not think that we can change that.
...This would be much easier, at home.
I have to agree.
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