May 13, 2012 23:45
I love my family. I love my mom, really I do. It's just that sometimes, all you can do is laugh. And this is definitely something to laugh about.
Okay, so it's Mother's Day (or rather, it was. It's half past midnight now). Mom decided that we were going to have dinner with grandma invited over. Well, mom made peach cobbler (smelled oh so good) for my other grandma, and she and Grandma McCario were going over to deliver it, so she asked me to make biscuits. Or rather, stir the chicken broth into what was already mostly (supposed to be) biscuit dough, stir it up and cook biscuits.
The thing to remember is that these are cheddar biscuits, which mom made based off of Red Lobsters biscuits--tasty too, though it took some trial and error. So I'm scooping dough on the cookie sheets, and eat a bit of it. Something seemed a bit off, so I tried a bit more. Let me tell you--cheddar biscuit dough is not supposed to taste sweet. I was a bit confused, wondering if I was imagining things, when Dad comes up and tries a bit. He looks at me and says "Does that taste sweet to you?"
Dad's first thought--after I agreed that yes, it was rather sweet for biscuit--was that Mom might have mixed up her ingredients when she was making cobbler topping. When Mom got home, he asked her. She was confused, but very sure that, no, that wasn't the problem. Then she grabbed the empty bag for the mix she'd used for the biscuits. It wasn't biscuit mix. It was muffin mix.
When you think of it that way, you'd think the stuff would be gross, but no. Especially after Mom had me brush the tops with butter and put this garlic bread topping on them, they were surprisingly good. Kind of a mix of sweet and savory that really should have been nasty but somehow managed just the opposite. I lost count of exactly how many biscuits I had, and then there was fish, and macaroni, and Mom made more cobbler--cherry/rasberry? Not real sure--and basically I was going "Oh, that was tasty. Oh, I'm full."