Humphrey, Examples of Divination, Mother Earth

Apr 11, 2005 00:10

I apologize for not having responded to everyone who replied. I'm giving a blanket statement. Also, apologies to anyone who gets offended if it appears that I'm hopping on my soapbox and sounding preachy about theology, religion, or religious beliefs.

I'm bending the rules and assuming that this technically can be discussed in the Xanth Community because we're discussing "magic." Psychic abilities and powers that are misunderstood or mysterious fall into the realm of magic. So I'm going to plunge in and throw in my two cents. If nothing else, I'm sure this can be idle amusement for people looking for some intellectual fodder to ponder throughout their day on whether magic really exists.

zodiaccat explained it best when it comes to Magician Humphrey's Powers of Divination. It's where you go off of intuition. That's what I've been doing lately. I go off hunches and I keep my mind open. Whenever an idea pops into my head, I just roll with it because I'm certain that it has significance. I believe that's how Humphrey works.

EXAMPLE #1: Predicting the Death of Prince Rainier
The best example I can give is through the use of my Live Journal. I've finally refined my process to where I can create a paper trail of my findings. I don't like claiming that I'm psychic, but I do know how things that would "appear" psychic or magical function. There's a scientific explanation for how it works.

Live Journal is the perfect medium for someone with "divination abiliities" to exhibit their work.

For example, let's take a thread of Journal Entries that occurred over the last week. Prince Rainier, who married Grace Kelly, died a week or so ago.

I had made a comment about John Denver being in "Oh God" and having sung the song "Rocky Mountain High" on April 5th.

On April 6th, Prince Rainier died. I was commenting on how it's just like Mount Rainier in Washington State where I'm from, which is a ROCKY MOUNTAIN. A prince is something HIGH. So John Denver's song "Rocky Mountain High" that I talked about the day before was just like Prince Rainier dying, which would be a "Rocky Mountain that is High (Born)."

That's how divination works. You get readings, but you don't always know what it means when you get them. They only reveal their true meanings when the event happens.

Yesterday, someone was criticizing me about claims regarding my "abilities." She was getting mad because I said her name Gwendolen is significant. She said that her other name is Constance. So I looked up Constanceon IMDB ( and it led me to "The 6th Day" with Arnold Schwarzenegger. In his bio, it said that Rainier Wolfecastle on the "Simpsons" was modeled after him.

Notice the name Rainier. I followed my hunch or gut instinct.

EXAMPLE #2: National Treasure and Benjamin Franklin's Daylight Savings Time
Another example is regarding "National Treasure" with Nicholas Cage. I had posted about how I had gone on set on Sunday where we had Daylight Savings Time. I had commented that we drove past Benjamin Franklin Elementary School.

The next day, I commented about having gotten lost and turned on Thomas Street, which was just before Gates Street. I even scanned a picture of the Thomas Guide showing the map.

A few days later, I went on set and while we were waiting to shoot for the movie we were watching "National Treasure" with Nicholas Cage. His character was Benjamin Gates. Gates like Gates Street. Thomas like Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin like Benjamin Franklin Elementary School.

That's how Divination works. It's where you get clues to things that are happening and then they manifest themselves.

What if Phaze is the Spirit Realm and Proton is the Physical Planet Earth?
If any of you are looking for something new to read, try reading my Journal Entries from March 25th to April 10th in consecutive order. You're going to see a whole bunch of really strange coincidences that all happen in that time period. It's really a good 50 pages. However, I guarantee you it's worth the read if you've ever wondered about psychic abilities, divination, whether God exists, and the concept of Magic in Xanth.

Amusingly enough people don't have the time to read stuff like that. Why should they? We've all got lives to lead. That's why I get a kick out of it. It's all just sitting in public, but it just remains undiscovered. I even explained my theories on how it works.

The great thing about Live Journal is that the paper trail confirms about stuff I already said. It's like the Modern-Day Divination Aspect and it's public for everyone to see. Most people who claim to have psychic abilities or claim they can divine things are secretive. Mine is just hanging out there visible for everyone.

As for the people who were saying they were trying to understand what I was saying about Xanth Magic actually existing, I simply meant that it is possible for "magical" things to happen. Not in the way we think, but there is a way for Spirituality or Magic to co-exist with Science. Amusingly enough, once it gets defined or explained and everyone knows how it works, it's no longer magic anymore. It becomes absorbed by science. It's no longer special anymore.

One book series that my high school friend grue23 lent me was David Eddings. His father is the cousin of David Eddings. When you read the Belgariad and Mallorean Series, it talks about prophecies and how Beltira and Belkira, the twins, had to sit and sift through all kinds of books to understand prophecies.

Prophecies really aren't that magical. They're really just statements that or promises made by a divine being or something greater than us. I think we actually do have Prophecies of the new millenium that exist. What I was stating is that the Xanth Novels are like Prophecies.

What if the characters are symbolic of real people that are coming into existence. For example, what if Trent is symbolic of a real person? Princess Ivy could be like another real person. Magician Humphrey could be a real individual. This is all theoretical, of course.

If you've read Incarnations of Immortality by Piers Anthony that talks about real people who assume the political offices of certain God Powers, you may understand what I'm talking about. We've heard stories about the coming of Jesus Christ (supposedly). What if it's actually true and that he is coming.

When they say that he's coming to judge the living and the dead and that there's a battle of Armageddon, what if it's on a Spiritual Plane? What if there are two worlds just like in the Blue Adept Series by Piers Anthony? What if it's like you have the Magical Realm of Phaze (Psychic Realm) and the Physical Realm (Planet Earth)?

I've been talking about how electrons resonate and can carry an electrical charge. Ever notice how Piers Anthony called the scientific world Proton? What if there's a real Stile who is able to cross between Phaze and Proton? When they talk about the two worlds overlapping and where there's twins of everybody, those two halves are the one in the Physical Realm of Proton (Earth) and the other is in Realm of Spirits (Phaze)?

What if Stile is really representative of the Earthly Prophet Jesus Christ who has to come to Earth and fix the balance just like in "Juxtaposition"? He has to take ore from the land of Phaze and shove it across the curtain over to Proton to keep Proton from destroying itself.

What if it turns out that Jesus Christ is a Psychic or able to influence global trends and he's working toward fixing everything? What if it's possible that God has a project-planning committee and has been influencing the dates and times that people are born and when they die? If God is all omni-potent, wouldn't he able to decide how long people are on this earth?

Personally, I'm agnostic and don't subscribe to the idea of God. I think it's conceptual and was just used as a crutch to temporarily keep humankind sane until their understanding of Spirituality and the Psychic Realm was established. However, being able to explain how Psychic Abilities and such work couldn't be done until the advent of the Internet as well as how to explain how global chat rooms work.

I was conjecturing that maybe God is the ultimate Computer Programmer and System Administrator who manages the Global Chat Room of the World where everyone is connected. If that's true, what if over the last couple decades the music, literature, and movies over the last century were actually planted there.

I've been developing this theory because I've been showing how all the actors with film careers and where they were born and died on certain days are peculiar. Even the movies that are being pumped out now seem to follow a pattern. What if it turns out that the movies in theatres are actually prophecies? What if they're being handed down by God?

To be honest, I don't really like using the term God. I actually would like to believe that Planet Earth is actually sentient like the Demon Xanth. If you think about it, the Earth is just one huge cell. It looks just like a cell floating in space. It has a cell membrane that is composed of an electromagnetic field and it's got a whole bunch of tiny humans crawling all over it like blood cells moving back and forth oblivious to the greater design.

Isn't that just like our own bodies that have blood cells? Our own blood cells are most likely unaware that they're part of a sentient life form. They're just busy hauling oxygen and food to the other planets. Isn't that kind of like the rat race of human beings going to and from work? They're mining resources, building things, improving the defenses of the Planet Earth?

What if Mother Earth is actually conscious and she's been spending the last couple millenium preparing. To where she is using the Astrological Chart as a time table or countdown. 2,000 years to her is just one second in her lifetime compared to us who are only alive for a fraction of a second in the Sands of Time. We're too small to see the bigger picture from one human lifespan. You have to take a step back and look at history.

What if it turns out that Mother Earth had a planning committee that intentionally placed all the roads and highways there for a reason? What if the streets are actually named for a reason? What if people were given names for a reason?

What if people's lifespans are actually like that of a computer that is runing trillions of calculations at once. In a computer, when a running process is completed it self-terminates. What if human beings are like organic computer processes that are running, have a purpose to serve, and then once they're competed they shut down? That's why I was saying that "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglass Adams in the movie theatres may not be as farfetched as you think where the Earth is like a supercomputer.

Like I said, if you really want to read something bizarre or interesting about all the actor's lives I've documented from March 25th to April 10th in my Journal based off what they've been in, you'll start to see a strange pattern begin to emerge.
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