May 02, 2008 16:47
The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I love the feeling sleeping medicine/benadryl gives me right before I fall asleep.
2. When I was six and my grandmother told me Patsy Cline died in a plane crash some 40-odd years before, I cried for a long time.
3. My sister had me convinced for about two years of my young life that I was adopted; I'm not sure I've ever really recovered ;)
4. I have an almost unhealthy love for Dolly Parton ;)
5. One of my goals for next year is to get to Las Vegas and see Bette Midler in concert.
6. Sometimes in the middle of the night I get an almost overwhelming urge to just drive, anywhere.
7. I still have random desires to shave my head, since I was too chicken to do it when it would have been acceptable.
8. I want to dye my hair...or cut it off; I need a change, and soon!!
9. I want to get another tattoo, but I can't decide which idea I want to ink first.
10. As a young girl, I developed very odd crushes, including but not limited to Prince, Michael Jackson, and Boy George; some normal ones include Indiana Jones and Rocky.
tagged: grumpyrockstar, kaf18, lyndi_hop, mahaynee, sarahkatew, tankie_buck, wisps