Borrowed from Angel

Mar 18, 2006 21:52

Wanna know more about me? Click below

A BIT ABOUT YOUBasicsName:Alexander Lavelle Harris Age:18 Birthday:It's a sekrit Where were you born:Sunnydale California Where do you live:Sunnydale California Height:5' 11" Tattoos:None Piercings:None Siblings:None Hair color:Brown Eye color:Hazel Righty or Lefty:Righty Weakness:Yeah right, like I'm gonna spill that Fear:Not telling you that either Love/ FriendshipAre you single:Yes If so, do you have a crush:Yes How old were you when u had your first kiss:Five Have u ever kissed someone of the opposite sex:Yes Have u ever kissed someone of the same sex:No Who is your best friend:Willow Rosenberg How long have u know this person:Since we were in footie pajamas Have you ever been in love:Yes Have you ever had your heart broken:Yes Do YouDrink:No Smoke:No Swear:Occasionally Want to get married:Maybe someday Want to have kids:Kids are cool, maybe Go to school:Yes Get along with your parents:No comment Believe in yourself:Not as much as I should, apparently Trust other people easily:Sometimes Think you are attractive:I'm alright I guess Like thunderstorms:Yes Play an instrument:Not well Consider yourself tolerant of others:Yes When was the last time youGot drunk:Never Made yourself food:Lunchtime Read a book:Because I wanted to? Wow.. I don't remember Watched a movie:Last night Watched t.v:Tonight Hugged someone:Yesterday Got mad at someone:It's been a little while Made your bed:Never Bought something for yourself:last week Bought something for someone else:last week Take this survey | Find more surveys
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