悩みも不安も全部 go away

Jun 07, 2011 00:36

It hit me just now, while listening to "Come back to me" that I've been a fan of Arashi for over 1 year. It's probably been about a year and a half by now, even. I've watched them through their year of releasing a ridiculous number of singles, I've watched them release one album, and in a month I'll have watched them release two albums. There's not really much of a point to all of this, but this is mostly a journal for me here, a documentation of my experiences.

The above aside, this has been feeling like a Perfume day for me. I changed my desktop background to a Perfume one. I had been using the previous one for a few months, anyway. Also, the previous one was largely white, and this one is largely black, which is good for me, since I tend to be a bit oversensitive to light. I have my laptop's screen set to the lowest brightness setting, and it's still too bright! I wish it would go lower. I was also watching some tv appearances Perfume had made and remembering how funny they are. I more and more want to buy one of their live dvds... I'm probably going to go look at prices after posting this...

It feels like it's been too long since I talked about video games in here, most likely because I haven't been taking the time to play as much. I don't remember the last time I got a game either. No wait, yes I do. It was Recettear. The last time I talked about actually playing video games on here was last October... I do play them still. More now that I'm on break from school, but it's been awhile since I've done anything that felt like it was worth posting about. It probably also helps that I don't talk much about games with people, especially on the internet.

I haven't changed my icons on here in a really long time, but whenever I look at icons I don't see any I feel like using. I kinda want to, though...

arashi, perfume, video games

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