So Rusche's gone

Dec 30, 2007 09:17

So... Rusche is basically gone now. All because I thought she could be smart with things. But no...

Here's what happened, she wanted to invite an old 'friend' of hers from years ago (same friend that got her into drugs and smoking and basically made her life fall to shit) and asked me if it was okay with me. I thought it would have been okayish because it's been over a year since the two met.... then she started doing things like her old life style. Sneaking out, smoking a lot more, lieing, not even fucking answering a simple question like "Is he giving you a ride"? Riding with a driver who has been drinking... so I'm pretty sure she's fucking gone. 
    So shit, I try and be understanding and try and accept my friend for who she is, and she just fucking lays more problems down. Whatever. If this contenues, I won't be able to stand it. And I most likely will need to find a new roomate. If anyone is in the area, feel free to send me a message, we'll set things up.
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