Feb 03, 2010 07:30
Ok, so, I don't normally get into the political scene. I'm usually more about life, protection, military, etc. I generally don't think about taxes, and the littler things. Here's my question, for all the voters, out there.
What do you really want? You want it all. Hate to break it to everyone, but you can't have it all. So, choose.
You want lower taxes. Awesome. That means that you will have more money, and the government will have less. This means that on a local, state, or private level, you will need to pay for your children's education, for the roads you drive on, and your own health care costs. The government can no longer take care of those things. Without your taxes, you will not get government grants for school, etc.
How would it be, if the next time there was a huge disaster, at home or abroad, we didn't help? Every year, for every tragedy, the world, and yes, our own population, looks at our government for help. Without government income, we can't.
A huge earthquake just hit Haiti. Can you imagine if we had said, "Well, sorry. We really feel for you, and some of our volunteers will come, but we really can't afford to. You see, we're a few trillion dollars in debt, and we can't pay for your problems, too."
Ok, you want the government to pay for your healthcare, your education, your roads, your protection, your military, the police, the fire-fighters, feed the poor, clothe the naked, etc. That's fine, too. But, if you want all of these, but you're going to BE*ATCH about the taxes, then move elsewhere. If you want the government to pay for your basic needs, then they have to have a source of income.
Right now, my fellow Americans are treating the US government the same way as a 12 year old might treat a credit card. Spend, spend, gimme, gimme, but I won't make a payment! By the time all of our debt adds up, we own NOTHING. What would we do if one of our debtors suddenly demanded payment?
So, I'm ranting about the selfish nature of my own country's citizens. You want it all, but you don't want to pay. You're in debt, just like me. Our government is in debt, too. The government can't afford to baby you like a wealthy grandmother, and solve everyone else's problems, the way everyone expects us to. Maybe we should clam up, stop sending so much government aid to other countries (GASP! But, we'd still send VOLUNTEERS), and decide to either pay for the services that people demand, or start paying for those things ourselves.
So, America (Not that more than three of you will read this), MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Do you want to be cared after, or do you want to be left alone? You can't have low taxes and be given it all. It has to come from somewhere.
And, no, I don't think we should do like the last several generations, and leave the problem for our kids. I already won't be able to draw social security, because it's over budget, too. Our predecessors screwed it up, and we're continuing their fine tradition.
It's time for Americans to become responsible, mature, and intelligent. In other words, it's time for us to grow up.